Hello World Hypnobirthing
Hello. I’m Charlotte and I run Hello World Hypnobirthing.
I’m hoping to be the person you choose to guide you through your last few weeks of pregnancy, labour and birth with hypnobirthing. Whether this is your first baby, or tenth baby, hypnobirthing can, and will change your birthing experience.
I have three kids and each pregnancy, labour and birth was so different.
My first baby, my son, was born by caesarean and then both my daughters were vaginal deliveries, one on dry land and one in the birth pool.
I believe that every pregnancy, every labour, every birth, every parent and every baby is unique. Your experience is yours and no one else’s. I want to empower women and birthing people to have calm and confident birth experiences and enjoy the moment they get to meet their child because that moment is the most precious thing in the world.
I want more women and birthing people to own their birth experience, to understand what their choices are and block out the (fairly constant) negativity that surrounds labour and birth .
However your baby makes its way into this world, I want it to be an experience you look back on and treasure, feel proud of and cry happy tears about forever because you did it, yes, YOU.