Fertility and adoption


Many people consider adoption along with fertility treatment. For some people this means they are considering adoption or approaching adoption agencies very early on and alongside looking into fertility treatment, and for others adoption is a consideration once fertility options have been explored.

Most adoption agencies and charities will recommend at least a six month period between the end of any fertility treatment, tests or counselling before committing to the adoption process. This is from a wellbeing perspective and enabling those prospective parents to heal, process the loss they may feel and come to terms with what their future family might now look like. The adoption process is robust and, rightly so, requires complete commitment and focus so this time to heal and grow is really important.

Do some research into charities and adoption agencies with specialist knowledge and advice around adoption after fertility treatment as getting the right support for you will really help. Also look for any local groups or networks of parents who have adopted after fertility treatment as their support, advice and experience will really help you to understand the physical and mental process.

One charity that seems to have that sort of support is PACT. They are based in Reading but may be able to offer contacts for northern charities that could help to support you.

Fertility and adoption

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