Well, this is a great question. Why hypnobirthing?
There are so many ways to answer this and I’m going to go through what I think are the most important answers!
“Negativity.” How many people have told you how amazing labour is? Not that many? How many episodes of One Born Every Minute feature calm, confident labours and births? None! How many films or soaps show you a calm, confident birth? Not that many! So, what’s my point? We are conditioned to fear birth. Through media, through our dear friends and all their horror stories! Hypnobirthing is your tonic to this barrage of negativity. Hypnobirthing reminds you how flipping amazing your body is, it knows how to give birth, and so do you! You just need a little reminder.
“Busy, busy, busy!” We are so busy these days aren’t we? Trying to do more and more and more. Where’s the space? When do we take a good, deep breath? Hypnobirthing is here for that, making space in your busy life to focus on the very big change that is coming. Space to breathe, space to relax and space to focus.
“It’s all in the biology”. Hypnobirthing is centered in the biology of giving birth, hormones, physiology and connection between mind and body, that’s why it works so well.
When you put all these things together, quite simply, hypnobirthing works. That’s why hypnobirthing.
Is Hypnobirthing for me?
Do you want a calm, confident birth experience and at the end of it, you hold your baby in your arms and think, I bloody did that?!
Then yes, hypnobirthing is for you.